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Now you can support your immune system wherever you go! UrgenCee effervescent pack contains a proprietary blend of Vitamins and Minerals plus herbs extracted from whole plant materials. The blend contains the following herbal ingredients: Epigallocathechin Gallate (ECGC), Aloe Vera gel, Chinese Astralagus, and Zeaxanthin that are mostly used as antioxidants to protect our skin and our body from free radicals. UrgenCee is formulated to provide safe levels of vitamins and minerals for the purpose of immune support and also has promising antioxidant effects in just one pack.
Main Components:

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, performs a range of functions in the maintenance, repair and functioning of the body. A reduced vitamin C level compromises the immune response. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to quickly quench potentially damaging free radicals. In white blood cells, vitamin C is essential for the many activities involved in defense of the body and the “clean up” of damaged cells and tissues. Stress conditions, such as exercise, travel or work stress result in increased vitamin C use. Additional dietary vitamin C is needed to modulate the high levels of stress hormones and preserve the levels of vitamin C necessary to maintain a healthy immune system.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B1 is a water soluble-vitamin that readily enters and exits the body daily so it must be taken internally on a daily basis. Thiamine helps maintain a normal metabolism and helps burn carbohydrates. Vitamin B1 is found in most whole grains. Vitamin B1 is a group of water-soluble vitamins that participates in many of the chemical reactions in the body. Vitamin B1 is essential for the body to be able to use carbohydrate as an energy source as well as for metabolising amino acids.
Thiamine works with the other B vitamins to change protein, carbohydrate, and fat to energy. It is especially vital for changing carbohydrates to energy. It is a key factor in the healthy functioning of all the body’s cells, especially the nerves. Vitamin B1 helps the body cells convert carbohydrates into energy. It is also essential for the functioning of the heart, muscles, and nervous system. As a coenzyme, thiamin plays a key role in energy production, conversion of glucose to fat. Every cell of the body requires vitamin B1 to form the fuel the body runs on – ATP. Nerve cells require vitamin B1 in order to function normally.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Riboflavin, also called vitamin B2, is a water soluble vitamin. It is an essential part of many co-enzymes involved in numerous metabolic processes and is crucial in the production of energy from food. Riboflavin also has a role in the formation and functioning of some other vitamins.
Vitamin B2 helps break down carbohydrates, fats and protein for use by the body. Its role in maintaining an energy supply for the body is crucial, for it helps convert carbohydrates into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a compound needed to store energy in muscles. Vitamin B2 also promotes the following:
1. Skin, muscle, nerve, heart and eye health, including inhibiting the development ofcataracts.
2. Production of red blood cells and antibodies.
3. Absorption or activation of iron, folic acid and Vitamins B1, B3 and B6.
4. Conversion of tryptophan, an amino acid, into niacin.
5. Production of hormones by the adrenal glands.
6. Maintenance of the mucous membranes in the digestive system with the help of vitamin A.
7. Healthy development of the fetus. (Vitamin B2 may or may not be essential for normal fetal development but it is clearly the better part of wisdom to supply it via the mother’s diet.)
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)
Vitamin B3 is made up of niacin (nicotinic acid) and its amide, niacinamide, and can be found in many foods, including yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, and cereal grains. It is also called nicotinamide and nicotinic acid amide, and does not cause the flushing that niacin does.
Niacinamide works systemically to improve joint mobility, muscle strength, decreases fatigability. It increases maximal muscle working capacity and reduces or completely eliminates arthritic joint pain.
Niacinamide heals broken strands of DNA and improves many kinds of CNS functioning.
Niacinamide can be taken with food to prevent stomach upset.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 is an important nutrient that supports more vital bodily functions than any other vitamin. This is due to its role as a coenzyme involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Vitamin B6 is also responsible for the manufacture of hormones, red blood cells, neurotransmitters, enzymes and prostaglandins. Vitamin B6 is required for the production of serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter that controls our moods, appetite, sleep patterns, and sensitivity to pain. A deficiency of vitamin B6 can quickly lead to insomnia and a profound malfunctioning of the central nervous system.
Among its many benefits, vitamin B6 is recognized for helping to maintain healthy immune system functions, for protecting the heart from cholesterol deposits, and for preventing kidney stone formation. B6 is also effective in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, night leg cramps, allergies, asthma and arthritis.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. After the body uses these vitamins, leftover amounts leave the body through the urine. Typically, water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored by the body. Vitamin B12 is special, because the body can store it for years in the liver. Vitamin B12, like the otherB vitamins, is important for metabolism. It helps in the formation of red blood cells and in the maintenance of the central nervous system.

Magnesium is an essential mineral with a broad range of functions. Magnesium is essential in DNA and protein formation. In addition, magnesium plays a key role in the formation of energy. One sachet of Urgencee provides 10% of the recommended daily intake.
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
Folic acid is a B vitamin. It helps the body make healthy new cells. Everyone needs folic acid. For women who may get pregnant, it is really important. When a woman has enough folic acid in her body before and during pregnancy, it can prevent major birthdefects of her baby’s brain or spine.
Folic acid, also known as folate or folacin, is one of the B groups of vitamins, also known as B9. Your body needs it to produce red blood cells, as well as norepinephrine and seratonin (chemical components of the nervous system. It helps make DNA (the body’s genetic material), which normalizes the brain’s functions, and is a critical component of spinal fluid.

Manganese is a trace mineral that is present at very tiny amounts in our body. Your body most likely would contain around 20 milligrams of manganese and most of them will be found and concentrated in your bones, kidneys, liver and pancreas.
Manganese serves many functions in your body. It primarily works as a coenzyme that facilitates various metabolic processes in the body. The benefits of manganese in the body vary largely. It is involved in bone formation, thyroid function, formation of connective tissues, sex hormone function, calcium absorption, blood sugar regulation, immune function and in fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Considering these vital functions, manganese nutrition is very important to make sure that these functions will go well in your body.

The name astragalus serves as both a botanical generic name and an English common name for the Chinese medicinal plant known as huang-qi. It is used as a tonic for fatigue, general debility, lack of appetite, and spontaneous perspiration.
Astragalus is especially useful for strengthening the body against viral infections of the respiratory tract and heart through stimulation of interferon production in the body. Studies show that it has helped cancer patients immune systems regain normal function.
Chinese studies have found it to be an effective preventive against the common cold.An antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, astragalus fortifies the immune system on several levels, including, perhaps, by increasing the body’s production of interferon
Astragalus is also used to strengthen the heart.

Aloe vera is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, and it contains many minerals vital to the growth process and healthy function of all the body’s systems. Numerous studies worldwide indicate that aloe Vera is a general tonic for the immune system, helping it to fight illness of all kinds. Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of aloe vera components to boost immunity and combat the HIV virus, and to treat certain types of cancer (particularly leukemia). It may even have a role to play in managing diabetes.
It also has an anti-inflammatory, anti- bacterial and anti-viral effect. The juice is said to soothe digestive tract irritations such as colitis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. Aloe’s ability to encourage the release of pepsin (a gastric juice enzyme necessary for digestion) when the stomach is full is a possible reason for its ulcer-healing effects.

Zeaxanthin is a bioflavonoid (or flavonoid), which is a type pigment found in almost allherbs, fruits, and vegetables. Bioflavonoids provide the body with anti-inflammatory andantioxidant protection. Zeaxanthin belongs to a group of bioflavonoids known as carotenoids, a group that is further subdivided into two groups: carotenes and xanthophylls. Zeaxanthin is one of the xanthophylls, which are found most abundantly in dark, leafy green vegetables, and are crucial to the good health of the eyes.
Zeaxanthin helps protect the eye from ultra-violet (UV) damage, and prevents free-radical damage to the retina and the lens of the eye that is associated with diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.
Zeaxanthin is available in supplements of 1 to 10 milligrams.
EGCG are abundantly found in Green Tea Extract. The polyphenols in green tea are catechins, with multiple linked ring-like structures.The dominant and most important catechin in green tea is (-) Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), a potent antioxidant which is used for food production, as well as in animal research studies. EGCG is over 200 times more powerful than vitamin E in neutralizing the pro-oxidants and free radicals that attack lipids in the brain, in vivo. It is 20 times more potent than vitamin E in reducing formation of peroxides.
Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) protects against digestive and respiratory infections. It helps block the cancer-promoting actions of carcinogens, ultraviolet light, and metastasis from an original site in the skin, stomach, small intestine, liver or lung.
Packed in 10g/sachet (24sachets/box)
Recommended Daily Intake: 1-3 sachets
SRP: Non Member – 800.00
FR NO:  63963


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