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Gluta Pearl

Glutapearl lightens skin pigment, helps improve liver detoxification and prevents arterial wall thickening that leads to heart attack. This is a unique mixture of three potent antioxidants and anti- aging effects of Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Vitamin C.
Glutathione (GSH) is a very powerful anti-oxidant that binds to heavy metals, carcinogens, and chemical pollutants and converts them into a form that is easily excreted out of the body. This substance helps in the replication and production of lymphocytes, cells that is responsible for the body’s immune system. Glutathione inhibits the enzyme tyrosinase which manufactures melanin, pigment responsible for the brown to black coloration of the skin, which makes the complexion whiten.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is found in every cell of the body that helps turn glucose from food into energy. Production of this anti-oxidant lessens as people grow old. Alpha lipoic acid fights free radicals that cause skin infection and damages organs and tissues. It has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and may help reduce pain, itching, burning, tingling, numbness caused by diabetes. It also detoxifies and keeps the liver healthy.  Alpha lipoic acid is the only anti-oxidant that can increase the level of intracellular glutathione.
Vitamin C reduces the large molecule of the glutathione so it can pass through the intestine and makes it more effective. It prevents glutathione from being oxidized and helps the body raise blood concentration of GSH. Vitamin C helps in the collagen formation that contributes in wound healing and protects the skin from harmful damages caused by UV rays.
Recommended daily dose: 1-2 capsules


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