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Lifeplus is made up of Co- enzyme Q10, a strong anti-oxidant, that improves heart muscle function and fights free radicals that contribute to various degenerative diseases.
What is Co-enzyme Q10?
Co- enzyme Q10 (Co Q10) is a naturally occurring compound that is typically present in every cell in the body. As people grow older, the body losses its efficiency to produce CoQ10. In addition, people with heart disease and cancer are likely to have low Co Q10 levels. Lack of Co Q10 may affect the brain, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, immune system, heart and other large organs.
This is a powerful anti-oxidant that is against free radicals to cause damage to cells that leads to cancer and inhibits the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (low- density lipoprotein), bad cholesterol that may lead to clot formation and blocks the artery resulting to heart attack or stroke. It is associated to slow aging and fight age-related diseases.
Co-enzyme Q10 facilitates the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), basic building block of energy, needed by the organs such as the liver and the heart that requires large amounts of Co Q10 to supply the energy needed to function properly.
CoQ10 fights aging process and reduces cell damage. It has cell membrane stabilizing properties that makes the interaction of nutrients, hormones, vitamins, and enzymes in the body function appropriately.
This essential nutrient, Co Q10, helps relief the side effects of cancer treatment. It also helps against cardiac toxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs.
CoQ10 in energy metabolism are important in the failing heart, where oxidation of energy- providing substrates becomes inadequate. Deficiency of CoQ10 can be caused by inhibition of its synthesis. Mevalonate, a precursor of CoQ10, is formed in a pathway dependent on HMG- CoA reductase. Not suprisingly, statins, which inhibit HMG- CoA reductase, have been shown to reduce the production of CoQ10.” – Soukoulis et al. “CoQ10″. Micronutrient Deficiences: An Unmet Need in HF. JACC Vol. 54. October 27, 2009: 1662.
Recommended daily dose: 1 capsule or as prescribed by the physician


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