Goldlife Distribution Phils., Inc. is duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under SEC Registration No. CS200 703829 and a Business Certificate No. 07-010433
Goldlife Distribution Phils., Inc. is duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under SEC Registration No. CS200 703829 and a Business Certificate No. 07-010433
Is GLDPi duly registered with the FDA? Does it have a License to Operate (LTO)?
Is GLDPi duly registered with the FDA? Does it have a License to Operate (LTO)?
GLDPi had been registered with the Food and Drug Administration with LTO/FDA No. RDI-MM-DW-2201
GLDPi had been registered with the Food and Drug Administration with LTO/FDA No. RDI-MM-DW-2201
Are the products of GLDPi registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
Are the products of GLDPi registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
All products are duly registered with FDA. The Certificate of Product Registration (CPRs) for each product is on file and is reflected on the packaging materials. Photocopies for each are available upon request by all members and distributors of GLDPi.
All products are duly registered with FDA. The Certificate of Product Registration (CPRs) for each product is on file and is reflected on the packaging materials. Photocopies for each are available upon request by all members and distributors of GLDPi.
What guarantee does GLDPi give to the buyers in terms of product satisfaction and confidence?
What guarantee does GLDPi give to the buyers in terms of product satisfaction and confidence?
The products of GLDPi have passed the stringent standards of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); using top-grade raw materials from Europe, the United States and Asia. The finished products have also been given the Seal of Quality by the Technical and Quality Departments of their manufacturer, Lloyd Laboratories, Inc.; which had been certified by the Certification International to the requirements of ISO-9001/2000 (Cert No. 2636/98/11/125) for the past ten years now. The FDA has likewise certified Lloyd Laboratories as CGMP compliant. Surely, the track record and the awards of the Manufacturer; are the best guarantees for the Quality and Efficacy of the products that GLDPi offers to the consumers.
The products of GLDPi have passed the stringent standards of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); using top-grade raw materials from Europe, the United States and Asia. The finished products have also been given the Seal of Quality by the Technical and Quality Departments of their manufacturer, Lloyd Laboratories, Inc.; which had been certified by the Certification International to the requirements of ISO-9001/2000 (Cert No. 2636/98/11/125) for the past ten years now. The FDA has likewise certified Lloyd Laboratories as CGMP compliant. Surely, the track record and the awards of the Manufacturer; are the best guarantees for the Quality and Efficacy of the products that GLDPi offers to the consumers.
How stable is GLDPi and what are its immediate future plans?
How stable is GLDPi and what are its immediate future plans?
GLDPi is a 100% Filipino owned corporation. It is backed up by investors and shareholders who are technically professional, who are financially stable and who are committed to make the company grow; thereby, allowing the members to prosper as well. It promotes equal opportunities and professional advancement for everyone. It believes in the dictum of sharing and giving fair chances to earn by providing at least eight brands of high quality products with the promise of coming up with more product lines every 3 to 6 months to have the complete range of product lines for the total wellness of Filipinos foremost; then also to the rest of our Asian neighbors.
GLDPi is a 100% Filipino owned corporation. It is backed up by investors and shareholders who are technically professional, who are financially stable and who are committed to make the company grow; thereby, allowing the members to prosper as well. It promotes equal opportunities and professional advancement for everyone. It believes in the dictum of sharing and giving fair chances to earn by providing at least eight brands of high quality products with the promise of coming up with more product lines every 3 to 6 months to have the complete range of product lines for the total wellness of Filipinos foremost; then also to the rest of our Asian neighbors.
How many persons can we recruit per level? Are we limited to 5 persons per level only?
How many persons can we recruit per level? Are we limited to 5 persons per level only?
No. You can recruit as many as you see fit and as many as you are capable of. You have an unlimited recruitment opportunity here in Gold Life.
No. You can recruit as many as you see fit and as many as you are capable of. You have an unlimited recruitment opportunity here in Gold Life.
When is my Gold Life membership activated?
When is my Gold Life membership activated?
Your Gold Life membership becomes activated when you’ve encoded yourself properly in the Gold Life website. Your activation codes are printed one time only in your official receipt when you pay the PhP 6,888.00 Entry Pack fee.
Your Gold Life membership becomes activated when you’ve encoded yourself properly in the Gold Life website. Your activation codes are printed one time only in your official receipt when you pay the PhP 6,888.00 Entry Pack fee.
The new member is responsible for encoding exactly what is found in the Membership Application Agreement (MAA), so as to avoid disparities and disagreements between sponsors and downlines.
Is the Php 500.00 (1 box of product) maintenance per month a requirement?
Is the Php 500.00 (1 box of product) maintenance per month a requirement?
Yes, it is. We are requiring all our members to purchase this Php 500 monthly maintenance, which translates to 1 GoldLife product a month, to ensure that all our members are using the GoldLife products. We believe in the concept of being products of your own product, therefore we want everyone in our network to become healthy thru the products of GoldLife.
Yes, it is. We are requiring all our members to purchase this Php 500 monthly maintenance, which translates to 1 GoldLife product a month, to ensure that all our members are using the GoldLife products. We believe in the concept of being products of your own product, therefore we want everyone in our network to become healthy thru the products of GoldLife.
Where can members buy Gold Life products outside your Quezon City Head Office?
Where can members buy Gold Life products outside your Quezon City Head Office?
Gold Life products are only available thru members and Gold Life affiliated offices. We have various Gold Club (GGC) and MEGA CENTERS located nationwide, and you may order your Gold Life products, whether you are a member or not, thru them. We have, to date, GGCs nationwide, located in key cities and municipalities, including Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Cavite, Bicol, Las Pinas, and others.
Gold Life products are only available thru members and Gold Life affiliated offices. We have various Gold Club (GGC) and MEGA CENTERS located nationwide, and you may order your Gold Life products, whether you are a member or not, thru them. We have, to date, GGCs nationwide, located in key cities and municipalities, including Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Cavite, Bicol, Las Pinas, and others.
What if our location does not have a Gold Life GGC in the area, how do we get our products and how do we sign-up new members?
What if our location does not have a Gold Life GGC in the area, how do we get our products and how do we sign-up new members?
Gold Life is continuously working with overnight delivery service companies to ensure nationwide delivery of Gold Life products. When this door-to-door service is availed, an additional delivery fee is added on to the product purchases. Just deposit your payment to thefollowing GoldLife accounts:
Gold Life is continuously working with overnight delivery service companies to ensure nationwide delivery of Gold Life products. When this door-to-door service is availed, an additional delivery fee is added on to the product purchases. Just deposit your payment to thefollowing GoldLife accounts:
Metrobank Tomas Morato Branch – Account Number 180-3180-517-040
Banco de Oro Timog Rotonda Branch – Account Number 1620 113 188
Please fax/email your deposit slip to the Gold Life Head Office (indicating also what products you want to receive), and once we’ve confirmed receipt of your payment, we’ll send your product pack right away.
Where do I learn about the business and products of Gold Life?
In the Gold Life Head Office at #831-A, Eugenio Lopez Street, corner EDSA, Brgy. South Triangle, Quezon City, we hold at least two daily GoldLife Intro Seminar (GLIS) in the afternoon. Special schedules are also posted monthly on our website in various locations, and GGCs also hold daily presentations in their premises. Our GLIS cover company background, product explanation and business compensation presentation. If you do not have time to visit our offices or to listen to our outside GLIS, you may visit our website, and read about everything you need to know about Gold Life there.
In the Gold Life Head Office at #831-A, Eugenio Lopez Street, corner EDSA, Brgy. South Triangle, Quezon City, we hold at least two daily GoldLife Intro Seminar (GLIS) in the afternoon. Special schedules are also posted monthly on our website in various locations, and GGCs also hold daily presentations in their premises. Our GLIS cover company background, product explanation and business compensation presentation. If you do not have time to visit our offices or to listen to our outside GLIS, you may visit our website, and read about everything you need to know about Gold Life there.
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